
Will Computers Revolt?
Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence

By Charles Simon

2nd Edition, 340 pages, 2021

Describes the When? Why? and How Dangerous? of future computers which will exceed human abilities. It’s not all doom and gloom, but there are actions we should be taking now!

The eBook is available FREE with your paid membership. Click here to join.

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Brain Simulator II
Manual for Creating Artificial General Intelligence

By Charles Simon

172 pages, 2021

This companion book to the Brain Simulator II software contains everything you need to start experimenting with AGI.

The eBook is available FREE with your paid membership. Click here to join.

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Machine Like Us 
Toward AI with Common Sense

By Ronald Brachman and Hector Levesque
320 pages, 2022

This book defines common sense and describes how it can be implemented in a graph structure similar to the one being used in Brain Simulator III.

Artificial Intelligence 
A Guide for Thinking Humans

By Melanie Mitchell
417 pages, 2020

This book is an excellent overview of current AI techniques along with their strengths and weaknesses with brilliant examples. Her overall conclusion that Artificial Common Sense is a long, long way off needs the added caveat of with current techniques. New techniques are needed. This is the contention of the Future AI Society