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UKS Namespace Reference


class  Clause
 In the same way a Relationship relates 2 Things (the "source" and the "target") with a relationship type, a Clause relates two Relationsips with a clauseType. Every Relationship has a list of clauses with the Relationship representing source and the Clause containing its type and target. More...
class  IListExtensions
class  QueryRelationship
 This is used internally during query processing.
class  Relationship
 In the lexicon of graphs, a Relationship is an "edge". A Relationship is a weighted link between two Things, the "source" and the "target". The Relationship has a type which is also a Thing. Various other properties are used to track the usage of a Relationship which is used to help determine the most likely result of a query. Each relationship also maintains a list of "Clause"s which are relationships to other Relationships. More...
class  SClauseType
class  SRelationship
class  SThing
class  Thing
 In the lexicon of graphs, a Thing is a "node". A Thing can represent anything, physical object, attribute, word, action, etc. More...
class  ThingLabels
class  UKS
 Contains a collection of Things linked by Relationships to implement Common Sense and general knowledge. More...