In the lexicon of graphs, a Relationship is an "edge". A Relationship is a weighted link between two Things, the "source" and the "target". The Relationship has a type which is also a Thing. Various other properties are used to track the usage of a Relationship which is used to help determine the most likely result of a query. Each relationship also maintains a list of "Clause"s which are relationships to other Relationships.
Thing | s = null |
Thing | reltype = null |
List< Relationship > | clausesFrom = new() |
| The list of Clauses for which this is the Target Relatiosnmhip.
DateTime | created = DateTime.Now |
| Time when this relationship was created.
Thing | source [get, set] |
| the Relationship Source
Thing | relType [get, set] |
| The Relationship Type.
Thing | target [get, set] |
List< Clause > | Clauses [get, set] |
| List of Clauses for which this is the Source Relationship.
float | Weight [get, set] |
int | Hits [get, set] |
| Used internally to calculate the Weight.
int | Misses [get, set] |
| Used internally to calculate the Weight.
DateTime | LastUsed [get, set] |
| Time when this Relationship was last accessed at the result of a query. This is used to help determine the importance of this relationship.
TimeSpan | TimeToLive [get, set] |
| When set, makes a Relationship transient.
int | count [get, set] |
float | Value [get] |
In the lexicon of graphs, a Relationship is an "edge". A Relationship is a weighted link between two Things, the "source" and the "target". The Relationship has a type which is also a Thing. Various other properties are used to track the usage of a Relationship which is used to help determine the most likely result of a query. Each relationship also maintains a list of "Clause"s which are relationships to other Relationships.
◆ Relationship()
Copy Constructor.
- Parameters
◆ AddClause()
Add a clusse to this Relationship.
- Parameters
- Returns
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