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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CClauseIn the same way a Relationship relates 2 Things (the "source" and the "target") with a relationship type, a Clause relates two Relationsips with a clauseType. Every Relationship has a list of clauses with the Relationship representing source and the Clause containing its type and target
 CRelationshipIn the lexicon of graphs, a Relationship is an "edge". A Relationship is a weighted link between two Things, the "source" and the "target". The Relationship has a type which is also a Thing. Various other properties are used to track the usage of a Relationship which is used to help determine the most likely result of a query. Each relationship also maintains a list of "Clause"s which are relationships to other Relationships
 CThingIn the lexicon of graphs, a Thing is a "node". A Thing can represent anything, physical object, attribute, word, action, etc
 CUKSContains a collection of Things linked by Relationships to implement Common Sense and general knowledge