This is the complete list of members for UKS.UKS, including all inherited members.
AddStatement(object oSource, object oRelationshipType, object oTarget, object oSourceProperties=null, object oTypeProperties=null, object oTargetProperties=null) | UKS.UKS | inline |
AddThing(string label, Thing parent) | UKS.UKS | inlinevirtual |
CreateInstanceOf(Thing t) (defined in UKS.UKS) | UKS.UKS | inline |
CreateTheRelationship(ref Thing source, ref Thing relType, ref Thing target, ref List< Thing > sourceProperties, List< Thing > typeProperties, ref List< Thing > targetProperties) (defined in UKS.UKS) | UKS.UKS | inline |
DeleteAllChildren(Thing t) | UKS.UKS | inline |
DeleteThing(Thing t) | UKS.UKS | inlinevirtual |
FilterResults(List< Relationship > result, List< Thing > ancestors) | UKS.UKS | inline |
FindCommonParents(Thing t, Thing t1) (defined in UKS.UKS) | UKS.UKS | inlinestatic |
FindThingsWithAttributes(List< Thing > attributes) | UKS.UKS | inline |
GetAllAttributes(Thing t) | UKS.UKS | inline |
GetAllRelationships(List< Thing > sources, bool reverse) (defined in UKS.UKS) | UKS.UKS | inline |
GetOrAddThing(string label, object parent=null, Thing source=null) | UKS.UKS | inline |
HasSequence(List< Thing > targetAttributes) | UKS.UKS | inline |
Labeled(string label) | UKS.UKS | inline |
SubclassExists(Thing t, List< Thing > thingAttributes, ref Thing bestMatch, ref List< Thing > missingAttributes) (defined in UKS.UKS) | UKS.UKS | inline |
ThingInTree(Thing t1, Thing t2) (defined in UKS.UKS) | UKS.UKS | inline |
ThingListFromObject(object o, string parentLabel="unknownObject") (defined in UKS.UKS) | UKS.UKS | inline |
transientRelationships (defined in UKS.UKS) | UKS.UKS | static |
UKS() | UKS.UKS | inline |
UKSList | UKS.UKS | |
Why() | UKS.UKS | inline |
WhyNot() | UKS.UKS | inline |
WriteTheRelationship(Relationship r) (defined in UKS.UKS) | UKS.UKS | inlinestatic |